This week, our writers explore their potential in writing about potential ;)! If you are interested in joining our team as a member or ambassador, please feel free to contact theoutlet.contact@gmail.com or dm us over Instagram @theoutlet.inspire!
She Is
By: Luce Cada
she was the main character of her story,
the “beauty”, the “grace”, the “i can punch you in the face”;
she was the fighter, the writer, the lighter of your story
and she was the melody and the bass;
she was the queen without a king,
the strongest but this, invisible to your eyes
this story, the silence with a lasting ring
and it was hidden to those who simply passed by.
she was the brightest girl in the room:
the aura and sense of laughter within,
sense of love and joy but all too soon
she thought to change and try to win.
she was the shadow of her past
the one who faded and tried to fix
the beautiful imperfections that she cast
away, unaware of society’s ailing tricks;
she was the one who didn’t know the truth.
the room of fans, she didn’t accept
the stardom that would give her youth
the beauty that they knew she kept
she was the sweetest of them all
the one who had given them hope
but gave herself away to fall
believing she was alone to cope.
is she listening right now? is she gaining hope for her now?
believe me, i hope she can know this somehow
she is the main character of her story
the “beauty”, the “grace”, the “i can punch you in the face”;
she is the fighter, the writer, the lighter of your story
and she is the melody and the bass;
she is the queen who needs no king,
the strongest and this, needing not to cry
for the story, the love with a lasting ring
and those who love will not simply pass by.
she is the brightest girl in the room:
the aura and sense of laughter within,
sense of love and joy and never too soon
no need to rush and no need to win.
she is the definition of all things good
the taste of chocolate on your lips
and one day she’ll have understood
that yes, it was meant to come to this.
- luna, 08.03.2020 ☽
Solo In Song
by: ava Arasan
Lost in a mind, in a dream
Far from home
The front is teeming with whispers
With screams
The back is veiled with terrible,
Nerve-wracking things
Alone with yourself
Begging to scream your
The light is shining on you
Judging your every move
Making it incredibly
Hard to breath
Hard to feel alive
Hard to believe
Every moment is on to you
You feel like you cannot do
What you’ve always wanted to
You do it anyway
You break the boundaries made
By you
For you
Caused by you
Nurtured and fed by you
Incessantly flowing for you
And suddenly
Butterflies spiling from your stomach
Transform into a rainbow
And the pulse of your words
Are the beat of your heart
So dear
And every other word
is barely heard
By your blissfully ignorant ears
For you feel that the world is yours
You feel that the moment is yours
To simply sing
It is the only thing that matters now
The faces in the crowd are hushed
By the melody of the song
All your fear is crushed
For you knew it