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Creative Writing 

Webinar and Workshop


    I liked the coffee workshop thing at the end since it was a chance for us to #bond. I learned a lot about writing as a career from the two guest speakers, and I also got a glimpse of what types of writing other attendees found enjoyable. -- Anonymous


    I enjoyed the link story activity and the coffeehouse. It was great when we had the opportunity to get to know each other a little just as teenagers. -- Ben Kushner


    I really enjoyed getting to meet new people and getting feedback on my work! I liked having the chance to share some of my own work that I am proud of. -- Morgan


    I only went to the first event, and it was really great to hear about writing from people who have been writing their entire lives. -- Summer Adler



Hello there! Thank you for your interest in the Outlet Inspire's Creative Writing Webinar and Workshop! If you are interested in more information regarding any of the activities we have planned, please scroll below. If you have any questions, please contact The zoom link will be sent out before the webinar to those who have completed the registration form. Registration is first come first serve :)


With contest season coming up and quarantine keeping us in, attending the Creative Writing Webinar and Workshop is a fantastic way to meet new people who share your same interests and learn from others. We will be hosting a speaker event and Q&A followed by two activity periods during which one can choose which events they would like to participate in. More information regarding the dates, times, and events available can be found below. The deadline to register is Thursday, November 26, 2020.



The Webinar and Workshop is on Saturday, November 28 from 2:00 pm-4:30 pm PST. More information about the schedule can be found below :)


2:00 pm-2:50 pm: Speaker Event and Lecture
2:50 pm-3:00 pm: Question and Answer Session
3:00 pm-3:10 pm: Break
3:10 pm-3:40 pm: Activity Block One (see options below)
3:45 pm-4:15 pm: Activity Block Two (see options below)
4:15 pm-4:30 pm: Conclusion


Activity Block Descriptions


Peer Review: The Peer Review session is for those who are looking for a one-on-one session with a fellow creative writer. During the review session, writers are able to share their favorite pieces or pieces they are planning to submit for contests and receive feedback from their randomly assigned partner. This option is ideal for those who are looking for a second opinion on contest pieces or for closer contact.


Link Story Activity: The Link Story activity is for creative writers who are looking to have some fun and meet new people in small groups. After an original sentence is given, each writer will improvise and provide a new sentence to add to the collective story. Sign up for this activity to tap into the creativity and improvisation skills in yourself and in others!​


Writing Coffee House: Do you have a favorite piece that you are proud of and want to share? Are you curious to learn more about the writing of your peers? Sign up to the Writing Coffee House to participate in a writing trade in small groups! Share your own insights and learn from others!



Please refrain from reproducing/adapting any original works from the outlet. doing so is a violation of the creator's intellectual property.

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