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The Arrangement Project
This week, we are beginning a two-week installment of arrangements! Our composers chose a piece to arrange and posted as much as they've done this week, and the final product will be release in the next issue. If you are interested in joining our team as a member or ambassador, please feel free to contact or dm us over Instagram @theoutlet.inspire! Additionally, don't forget to submit to vote on the winner of the Snow and Tell music composition contest!
I can't handle change Satb arrangement
I Can't Handle Change
00:00 / 01:24
Ava Arasan
I chose to arrange "I Can't Handle Change" as I really enjoy the song. My arrangement features an SATB choir with SATB solos, splitting off into at most 12-part harmony at parts. I'm very excited to continue work on the piece and publish the final work! I do not own the rights to this song, this project is merely for fun :)
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